Muhammad Ahmad, my 11 year old kid, in Primary 6, had only an ambition to be his school's Time Keeper. Of all the other posts that he could have contested for (and he had every chance of winning whatever post he contested for), he chose to be a Time Keeper. And he won the position without much opposition. He's so proud of the badge on his uniform... 😃
I didn't discourage him when he told me that's what he wanted to do, because it's his passion, and he's passionate about it, make no mistake about that... As an educationist, myself, I know it's important to allow children to follow their passion.
Another subject Muhammad is passionate about is drawing. He loves drawing things, even though they're not doing Fine Arts as a subject in his primary school. So, he goes out of his way to learn how to draw from his senior relatives. As he is good in Mathematics and other science subjects, I'm thinking of redirecting his passion towards Technical Drawing when he goes to secondary school. That way, he can study courses like Engineering or Architecture at the University.
May Allah steer us to the best possible choice...