The vibrant economic hub of Unguwar-Tofa neighborhood in Bakori, is facing a severe crisis following the breakdown of a crucial 300KVA transformer. This critical infrastructure, powering at least 16 rice mills, several flour mills, and numerous other businesses, has left hundreds of residents without livelihoods.
The rice mills, in particular, employed a vast network of workers, including threshers, waterers, perfumers, millers, seamstresses, marketers, and weighers. With the mills now idle, these individuals and their families are facing severe economic hardship.
"The loss of this transformer is devastating," said a concerned resident. "For many of us, these mills are the lifeblood of our community. Now, we are struggling to put food on the table."
The community is urging local leaders and elected officials to prioritize the repair or replacement of the faulty transformer. A swift resolution is crucial to prevent further economic hardship and ensure the continued prosperity of Unguwar-Tofa neighborhood.